Symptoms and Treatment
for Vaginal Diseases

What are vaginal diseases?

Itching, burning, pain, discharge, general discomfort — most women have experienced these uncomfortable symptoms before. And even though these symptoms cause discomfort in your vagina, they’re usually nothing to worry about. Because your vagina’s skin is so delicate, chemicals in soaps, sprays, or even clothing can cause irritation. Often, the culprit of this discomfort is vaginitis or inflammation of the vagina due to a change in the healthy balance of vaginal bacteria or another infection. The most common types of vaginitis are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, or trichomoniasis (a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite). Some causes can be more serious, however, from other types of sexually transmitted diseases to vaginal or vulvar cancers.

What are the symptoms of vaginal diseases?

A woman’s vagina naturally produces discharge — a clear or slightly cloudy fluid — that allows the vagina to clean itself. Usually, it doesn’t have a smell or make you itchy, and the amount and type of discharge can vary during your menstrual cycle. But when the discharge has a very noticeable odor, burns, or itches, you may have some form of a vaginal disease. Turn to your physician immediately if you’re bleeding while you aren’t menstruating, if you’re experiencing soreness around or outside of your vagina, or if sex is extremely uncomfortable. It’s important to note that some women won’t experience any symptoms of vaginal diseases.

How does ID Care diagnose vaginal diseases?

Reaching an accurate diagnosis for any vaginal disease requires a pelvic exam from a gynecologist. If your physician suspects an abnormal infection, he or she will refer you to an ID Care specialist for further examination and specific treatment.

How does ID Care treat vaginal diseases?

Treatment for vaginal diseases depends on the cause, type, and severity. If you have a noninfectious vaginal disease, ID Care specialists recommend that you consider the products you’ve been using that may cause irritation — from soaps to detergents and lotions. If your vaginal diseases is caused by a virus or bacteria, your treatment will likely consist of antibiotics.